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5/24/15 Meeting Minutes


MAY 24, 2015


Present:  Claire Breen, Luis Azcue, Branch Lane, Lennie Kleinberg, Barbara Coleman, Joe Zibrak, Jeanine Meehan, John and Hedy Gryszan Jonathan Strongin, Ellen Seely, Carol Hanley, Greg Scerbinski


Treasurers Report:

There is currently a balance of $8000. Outstanding is the $1500 that we still owe the 10 north property owners as their share of the lot buyout.

Stephen and Sally Koss have not paid the 2014 and 2015 assessment or the 2015 special assessment for a total of $532.65. A certified letter was sent April 1, 2015 requesting payment by April 30. They were advised that the association would file in small claims court if payment is not received. Greg will contact then to advise them of the filing. Should Greg not be able to make the court date for the Koss filing, Jeanine Meehan indicated she would go in his place.

Pat Burke still owes the 2015 dues and Greg will contact her.

Greg also indicated that the two abutters on Major Doane Rd, who are not members, voluntarily paid $200 as their share toward road maintenance.

Greg will speak with the Farrells and Joe Zibrak will speak with the McKay family on their interest in joining the association.


Old Business:

The crack sealing was completed this fall. There is still some work that the company needs to complete. They had agreed to fill low areas and also missed a few crack areas.

Greg will mark the areas needing work and contact Dirtworks.

Joe Zibrak indicated that there continues to be a drainage problem at the bottom of Major Doane and Zoheth Smith Way, where the water pools. Greg will have Dirtworks give us a quote on repairing this area.


During the construction on the new house, some of the heavy equipment tore up the new crack seal on the street in front of the house. Hedy will contact Ambrose construction and request that they make repairs.

With regard to the new construction, the issue of Voluntary Restrictions was raised with regard to what we can and cannot do to our property. As part of the Declaration of Trust, that we all signed, there is a Voluntary Restriction document that outlines what can and can’t be done.

A copy will be posted on the our website and mailed to homeowners.


This fall the sign at the entrance was vandalized. Tom Roberts found it in the woods and took it in for the winter. It is being repaired and will be hung shortly.

Jeanine Meehan indicated that she would like the association to purchase a sign more in keeping with the area. She had contacted Chatham Sign Co. and they did a mock up of a sign that will be sent to association members for comment. Jeanine felt that the sign should only read as follows, Wellfleet Hills, Private Way and omit the reference to association members and guests only.  Several members indicated that the wording on the current sign is the exact wording that was on the old sign and should be kept. There have been problems in the past with non members parking their vehicles on Zoheth Smith Way to walk to Dyer Pond. Several members felt that the current sign is fine and there is no need to replace it at this time. There was also concern about future vandalism.

The cost of the proposed new sign would be $900. Greg will send a copy of the sign to membership for comment and the Trustees will make a decision on the sign issue.


A recommendation was made and accepted to have a no parking sign posted at the entrance to the path that leads to Dyer Pond. The sign will read “No Parking Either Side Tow Zone”. Hedy will follow-up with Public Works to get the sign made.


Homeowners are asked to regularly maintain the area in front of their homes near the street. The town requires that trees and brush be cut back for the town to plow and street sweep.


Bifurcation Update:

The legal work for the bifurcation is complete. The 10 property owners are no longer association members. There are still 3 property owners working on a road maintenance agreement .

Greg has requested a breakdown of the attorney fees from Curt Felix and has not yet received it.

Once these issues are resolved, the $1500 owed to the north will be paid out to the individual homeowners.


2016 Dues:

The dues for 2016 have been set at $93.80. Notice will go out at the end of the year.


Wellfleet Hills Website:

Our website is active and can be accessed at:

If you have forgotten your logon or password contact Greg for assistance.

Several members again asked that homeowners post on the site information on handymen, maintenance and service people or companies they have used that have provided good service.



Next Meeting Date:

With most of the major and pressing issues resolved, it was felt that at this point there is not a need to meet twice a year. It was agreed that the next meeting will take place May 29, 2016, at the Wellfleet Senior Center, Old Kings Highway, at 10:00 am.


Respectfully submitted,

Hedy Gryszan,

Association Secretary