Wellfleet Hills Homeowners Association
2017 Annual Meeting
Greg and Linda Scerbinski, Carol Hanley, Branch Lane, Paul and Sonia Dudas, Hedy Gryszan, Claire Breen, Maureen Dwyer, Barb Mandelcorn, Lennie Kleinberg.
The minutes of the 2016 annual meeting were unanimously approved.
Treasurers Report:
Current balance in the account is $7763.21.
The only expenses anticipated this year will be liability insurance payments.
The following homeowners are still in arrears: Denninger, Erman, Stewart, Young and Zibrak. Greg will ask Jonathon to follow up with the homeowners who are in arrears. Hedy has already contacted the Stewarts.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted and approved.
The Millers are the new owners of the McKay house and have made a voluntary contribution of the 2017 dues.
Dues for 2018 were set at $115.00.
Old Business:
Last October’s scheduled brush clearing on our roads did not take place due to rain. To maintain our road up to the town requirements for snow plowing and sweeping, the association agreed to schedule a work day for Saturday, October 7, 2017 and asks all homeowners present that weekend to come prepared to do brush clearing and limb removal where necessary. A reminder that it is the responsibility of each homeowner to maintain the area in front of their home near the street, as the town requires that the trees and brush be cut back to allow the town to street sweep and plow.
Election of Officers for 2018
The proposed slate of officers for 2018 was presented by Greg and is as follow: Greg Scerbinski, Managing Trustee, Hedy Gryszan, Secretary, Jonathon Strongin, Treasurer, Gary Lutterman and Carol Hanley Trustees. The slate was unanimously approved.
New Business:
Greg shared the information he received regarding the proposed extension of the Cape Cod Bike Path. Although it had been initially proposed to come from old King’s Highway down Cahoon Hollow Road, it is now proposed to come out onto Rt. 6 near Our Lady of Lourdes Church and run down Rt. 6 in front of Cahoon Hollow Rd.and continue up Rt. 6 to Provincetown. There was much discussion concerning serious safety issues especially during the very busy summer months. Association members would like to make their concerns known to the Cape Cod Commission but need more information. Carol Hanley and Linda Scerbinski have volunteered to contact the Wellfleet Committee and the police Department to get more information and report back.
A request was again made that association members share information on service people they have used in the past and have been satisfied with their work. Hedy Gryszan shared that they had used Cape Associates for painting and carpentry and were extremely pleased with their responsiveness, dependability and good work. She will forward the contact information to Greg.
A concern was raised about the predicted heavy tick season and whether there is any way to treat property against ticks. It was agreed that more information was needed to make a decision to move forward. Greg will try and get more information.
Next Meeting Date:
The next annual meeting of the Association will take place Saturday, May 26, 2018, at 10 AM in the Wellfleet Senior Center, Old Kings Highway.
Respectfully submitted,
Hedy Gryszan
Association Secretary