March 12, 2009,
Dear Wellfleet Hills Homeowners Association Member,
In the fall of 2008, we set a goal of developing a homeowners’ web site and calling a meeting in the spring of 2009, to elect new trustees and authorize an assessment for the year that would allow us to make pressing road repairs, clean out clogged drains and purchase liability insurance if necessary.
The first goal is complete. Our fellow home owner Greg Scerbinski, has graciously taken up the task of creating and maintaining our web site, which is now operational. The website currently has copies of various legal documents that govern the association, as well as, legal opinions obtained regarding the association. It also has public records obtained from the Town of Wellfleet, a link to town tax information, and local news publications, as well as, a webcam link. In addition there are two maps. One is of the Town of Wellfleet and the other of the association lots.
Please register by going to, and follow the instructions to create a new account. The site will be our primary means of communication with all of you. It will provide for meeting announcements, budget information, information on association maintenance issues and other ongoing issues important to association members. Multiple family members may register if they wish. These registrants will comprise our email contact list.
The site will enable and track proxy voting by member (member is defined as the owner of record – one (1) vote for each lot owned). When you register at the site you will be asked to indicate if you will be the owner of record entitled to cast the vote for your lot. The ability to vote online is critical to enable greater membership involvement and prompt decision making thus allowing the association to deal with issues such as road repairs, while they are still minor, rather than waiting and facing larger repair bills as we are currently.
There are presently two road areas that have collapsed and will need to be repaired. We are looking at a bill of $5,000 to $8,000 to repair those areas and clear several drains that are clogged to the top with sand. If we do not clear the drains we will be faced with additional road repairs in the near future. We will be getting up to date repair estimates and those will be shared with you online as soon as they are available.
In addition to the above items, we have a legal opinion from Attorney Underhill that the association should purchase liability insurance to protect us from legal action, should someone get injured on association property. With the current road disrepair and lack of action on our part to correct it, we are very vulnerable to being sued should someone get injured.
Therefore we are calling our first meeting to be held on Saturday, April 18, 2009, at the Wellfleet Public Library from 1 -3 pm.
If you have any questions please e-mail or call Hedy Gryszan at 203-641-4747 or Greg Scerbinski at 603-924-7461.
We call a meeting of all members of the Wellfleet Hills Assn. on, Saturday, April 18, 2009, at 1:00 pm at the Wellfleet Public Library.
1) Nomination and Election of trustees
2) Election of Trustee Officers
3) Amendments to the Declaration of Trust – additions in bold & underlined
a) Article Vll, sect 1.2
Special assessments for capital improvements may be fixed at any time of the year, such assessments to be established and collected as hereinafter provided.
Special assessments for capital improvements may be fixed at any time of the year, such assessments to be established and collected as hereinafter provided.
b) Article Vll, sect 7
Written notice of any meeting called for the purpose of taking any action authorized under sections 4,5,6 shall be sent to all members not less than thirty (30) days or more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting. Members may choose to receive email notification in lieu of written notification.
Written notice of any meeting called for the purpose of taking any action authorized under sections 4,5,6 shall be sent to all members not less than thirty (30) days or more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting. Members may choose to receive email notification in lieu of written notification.
4) Authorization of a special assessment needed to pay for immediate needs such as the cost of road repairs, catch basin cleanout and liability insurance.
Prior to the above meeting we will post online the details of the special assessment and invite comments. After a period of time we will then ask members who will be unable to attend the meeting to cast a proxy vote supporting the Amendments to the Declaration of Trust and the Special Assessment. The Amendments to the Declaration of Trust and the Special Assessment require a vote of 75% (in attendance or by proxy) of the Association members to be approved. Members will be able to cast their proxy votes online if they wish.
In the fall we will resume a regular budget cycle. The Trustees will call our annual membership meeting to determine our 2010 budget and authorize our 2010 annual assessment.
Hedy Gryszan, John Gryszan, Greg Scerbinski, Dale Meehan and Don Willard