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5/26/2018 Meeting Minutes

Wellfleet Hills Homeowners Association

2018 Annual Meeting


Greg Scerbinski, Pat and Doug Burke, Maureen Dwyer, Luke and April Fabbri, Hedy Gryszan, Carol Hanley, Lennie Kleingberg Branch Lane, Corry Stewart , and Joe Zibrak


The minutes of the 2017 annual meeting were unanimously approved without change.

Treasurers Report:

In the absence of Treasurer Jonathon Strongin, Greg Scerbinski gave the following report.

The current balance in the association account is $9838.66

Owners still in arrears:  Koss, and Bouvier. Dues notice sent via e-mail to Bouvier was returned and will be resent to the corrected e-mail address.

Our only expenses last year were liability insurance and cleaning of identified storm drains.

Once the streets are swept this spring, Greg will arrange to have the storm drains cleaned.

The dues for 2019 were set at $130.00 with a $10.00 late fee.

Election of Officers

The current trustees indicated that they were willing to serve again next year. Nominations from the floor were opened and there were no additional candidates nominated.

The current trustees were unanimously re-elected.

New Business:

The matter of erosion on our right of way to Dyer Pond was discussed. It was caused by  the severe rain experienced last fall and winter. Doug Burke and Greg Scerbinski agreed to build an erosion block and fill it in with gravel to prevent further wash out.

The need of a private secure Facebook site was suggested by Doug Burke.  Since the majority of homeowners live off Cape, there is a need to get critical information to members quickly when there are emergencies. Doug agreed to set up the site and Greg will ask all homeowners to update their contact information. Greg will also request that homeowners identify their local emergency contacts.

Also discussed was the need for a person or service to do property checks in the off season especially after severe weather events. Greg will speak with resident homeowners to see if anyone is interested  and report back.



Zoheth Smith Way Entrance:

Joe Zibrak asked if there was anything that the association could do to prevent the public from using the left side entrance to Zoheth Smith Way as a parking area. The tow of Wellfleet uses that area to park their trucks and equipment. When PJ’s lot is full, people will park there and walk down.  This practice has caused erosion and a large pothole.

A recommendation was made that the association place large boulders to prevent parking, bring in some soil and maybe do some planting such as wild flowers.  Greg will follow up on this and get back to the trustees with findings.

Tenant Issues:

Doug Burke suggested that a brief  list of  rules be provided to tenants of do’s and don’ts as there have been issues with such things as the need to clean up after pets and tenants cutting across private property to go to the pond.

Pending Property Transfers:

The association trustees are asking property owners, who are planning to sell or are in the process of selling, to notify the association. Prospective owners need to be given a copy of the Association By-laws and Restrictions. They also need to be added to the mailing list for routine communication.

Next Meeting Date:

The next annual meeting of the Association will take place May 25, 2019, at the Wellfleet Senior Center, Old Kings Highway, at 10:00 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Hedy Gryszan

Association Secretary