The trustees have decided to cancel the meeting due to Covid. We hope to meet next Memorial Day weekend.
There are no immediate needs facing the Association. Next spring we will have the storm drains cleaned out. And in the fall we should probably have a work party to cut the brush back from the side of the road so the town snow plow is happy.
Dues this year were $149.50. Next year they will be $170. We continue to build our cash reserves knowing that at some point in the future the roads will need some attention.
Treasurers Report 5/25/19 – 9/20/20
Opening Balance: $10,787.38
Closing Balance: $16,430.71
Dues: $5778.00
No Parking Sign (Cahoon Hollow / ZSW) $74.51 7/1/19
Sign Hardware & Gravel (Robert Cole Way) $29.42 10/16/19
Wellfleet Property Tax $30.74 10/29/19
Unpaid Dues: 2020 Dues fully paid
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Lutterman, Treasurer