Greg and Linda Scerbinski, Bob Stewart, Pat and Doug Burke, Tom and Joan
Roberts, Gary and Janis Lutterman, Hedy and John Gryszan, Joe Zibrak, Maureen
Dwyer, Luis Azcue, Mary and Richard Erman, Barb Mandelkorn, Lennie Kleinberg,
Ellen Seely, John Denninger, Carol Hanley, Adam Miller.
The minutes of the October 2, 2021 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Gary Lutterman reported that the current balance is $23,788.38. All 2022 dues
have been paid. The two abutters have also voluntarily paid dues. The treasurer’s
report is attached. In reviewing the report, it was learned that there was no
liability insurance purchased last year. The board asked Greg to seek insurance
quotes and purchase liability insurance as soon as possible.
The dues for 2023 will be $224.00.
Election of Officers:
The current officers have all agreed to serve another term The on the Board and
were unanimously elected.
50 Major Doane Rd:
Concerns about the rental activities at 50 Major Doane Rd. were raised.
Specifically, large group events such as weddings that generated excess traffic and
noise. Gary Lutterman contacted the Wellfleet Building Commissioner regarding
zoning and noise issues.
The property is in a residential zone and must comply with the zoning
requirements such as parking and noise laws currently on the books. Gary will
continue to maintain contact with the Commissioner as the need arises.
The owners of to property have indicated that they will follow up with the rental
agent to make sure there are no further issues.
Winter Walkaround:
Gary Lutterman did the property walk around after major storms and
reported any issues which were then shared with association members. Gary has
agreed to do so for the coming year. Adam Miller, the abutter at 60 Major Doane,
has also volunteered to do so and is available at 860-655-7748 should any
member need a property check. Both Gary and Adam are year around residents.
Downed Tree Removal:
Joe Zibrak asked what can be done about the tree downed this winter and left on
the side of the intersection of Major Doane and Zoheth Smith Way.
The tree is an oak and John Gryszan indicated that his son will be here on
September and will section up the tree. The remaining brush will then need to be
taken to the town recycling center.
New Business:
Road Maintenance:
Last fall the roads were again crack sealed. During the process, four areas of
serious cracking and need of repair were identified and marked. The association
received a quote from Dirtworks for $20,000 to repair the areas. Our current
budget is not sufficient to do all the work. Gary Lutterman proposed that we do
the work in two phases.
It was recommended that we get at least 3 quotes on the cost of repairs before
we move forward. Gary and Greg will follow up with obtaining the quotes and
the trustees will make the decision on how to proceed.
Old Business:
Speeding on Zoheth Smith Way:
The issue of placing a yield sign on the corner in front of the Stewart
property, was discussed. The purpose is to slow traffic coming down the hill.
Bob Stewart was opposed to a sign being placed there as he felt it would not slow
traffic down. After much discussion of various options, the Board asked Greg and
Gary to explore the viability and cost of speed bumps to use during the summer
months and then be stored during the winter.
Richard Erman asked if the association could identify all the original right of
ways on the association’s property. He would like to see if some of those right o
ways could be used for recreational use such as biking.
The next annual meeting of the Association will take place May 29, 2023 at 10:00
The meeting place will be determined at a later time.
Respectfully submitted,
Hedy Gryszan, Secretary