May 26,2013
Greg Scerbinski called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. In attendance were 27 of the association homeowners.
Greg distributed the list of current homeowners and showing a breakdown of the dues that have been paid to date and those that are currently outstanding. He asked that homeowners review the list and bring any discrepancies to his attention. Also distributed was the Wellfleet Homeowners’ Association Proposed settlement regarding bifurcation.
A discussion ensued and questions were raised regarding the still pending law suit. Why was it still pending and who was responsible for the legal fees? Greg indicated that the legal fees would be the responsibility of the association
Greg then reviewed the work he and Curt Felix had to on a proposal to bifurcate the association along with the costs involved.
Mark Worgafnick indicated that his clear understanding form the October 2012 meeting was that the association agreed to make the necessary road repairs requested in the lawsuit and pay the attorney fees involved and once that was completed the suit would be settled. He indicated that he did not understand why now the bifurcation of the association was being tied to the settlement with and additional cost of $3800 thus leaving the association with no funds. Association members that were present at the October 2012 meeting also indicated that that was also their understanding and that the minutes of that meeting reflected such.
Branch Lane, who had been present at the meeting indicated that that was his understanding and that the idea of bifurcation was presented by the Northern side homeowners and was something that could be looked at, discussed further and presented at a later time but was not tied to the settlement.
After a lengthy discussion by all involved a motion was made to get and accounting of the legal fees paid, by the Lords, up to the date the road repairs were completed in the fall of 2012 and settle the suit by 6/15/2013. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
The discussion then moved to the issue of bifurcation and whether it would be beneficial to all involved and whether to proceed as proposed in the settlement proposal. After a lengthy discussion of the cost vs. benefits to all involved a motion was made to further research the issue of bifurcation, without incurring any additional legal expenses, and to come back to the fall meeting with a recommendation. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
A recommendation was made that in addition to Curt Felix and Greg Scerbinski, additional members from both the north and south be added to the committee. Greg requested that those interested in serving see him after the formal meeting. Should the committed complete their work early, a legal review would be requested from a real estate attorney, and the results presented at the October 6 meeting.
A request was made that the Trustees send out a financial statement which includes an accounting of expenses incurred to date. Also requested was a prioritized list of items that need to be addressed by the association and the cost associated with each item, with priority being given to liability insurance for both the Association and the Trustees. Greg indicated and John Woods concurred that the Association would not be able to purchase either until the pending suit is resolved.
Greg then indicated that he has inspected all the rain water catch basins and about have of them need to be cleaned out. He will arrange to have them cleaned out.
The date for the next association meeting was set for, Sunday, OCTOBER 6, 2013, at the WELLFLEET COUNCIL ON AGING, Old Kings Highway at 12 p.m.
There being no new business the meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hedy Gryszan