OCTOBER 5, 2014
Present: Gary and Janis Lutterman, Claire Breen, Lucy Pope, John Woods, Carol Hanley, Branch Lane, Hedy and John Gryszan.
In Greg’s absence the meeting was conducted by Hedy Gryszan.
Minutes: The minutes of the April 27, 2014 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: In the absence of Jonathan Strongin, Hedy Gryszan presented the treasurer’s report.
The balance as of 10/14/2014 was $11273.36
All attorney fees paid $4500
Nickerson (drain cleaning) paid $2550
Mt. Vernon Ins. (liability insurance) paid $1303
Wellfleet property tax paid $52.25
Misc office supplies and expenses paid $102.07
Brush removal $60.00
The following homeowner, dues and fees for 2014 are still outstanding;
Erman $441.00, Koss $441, Roberts $441
Election of Officers: The slate of officers for 2015 was presented as follows:
Greg Scerbinski, Managing Trustee
Hedy Gryszan, Secretary
Jonathan Strongin, Treasurer
Carol Hanley and Gary Lutterman , Trustees
No additional nominations were received from the floor and the slated presented was unanimously elected.
Greg Scerbinski had indicated, in an earlier conversation with Hedy Gryszan, that he will serve next year, however, in following years he would like to see other association members consider stepping forward to serve on the Board .
Bifurcation update:
All necessary documents were filed with the land court only to be returned due to the fact that some pages were double sided and thus unacceptable by the land court. They needed to be corrected , resigned and resubmitted. Our paperwork was completed and forwarded to the attorney for the North to file.
Members present requested that the association membership be notified as soon as the filing is submitted and the process is finalized.
Budget Issues:
There are four outstanding items currently and they are as follows:
- Payment to the north side for lot buyout $1543.28. (This will not be paid until all corrected paperwork has been filed and accepted by the Barnstable Land Court.)
- Crack fill (scheduled for October) $3500.
- Sinkhole repair (October) $1500
- Ephraim Covel Repairs (October) $1500
Dues for 2015:
The dues for 2015 were set at $81.65 and are due no later than January 31, 2015.
Next Meeting Date:
The next association meeting will be held, Sunday, May 24, 2015, at the Wellfleet Senior Center on Old Kings Highway, at 10:00 am.
There being no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 am.
Respectfully submitted:
Hedy Gryszan
Association Secretary