Hedy Gryszan opened the meeting at 1:10.
Members Present: Pat and Len Burke, Doug and Bets Cartona, June Diffenback, Paul and Sonia Dudas, Claire Breen, Lucy Pope and Mark Worgaftik, Gary Lutterman, Barbara Coleman and Lennie Kleinberg, Jonathon Strongin and Ellen Seely, and Hedy Gryszan
Nominated were Greg Scerbinski, Don Willard, Dale Meehan, Len Burke, June Diffenback, Doug Cartona , Jonathon Strongin and Hedy Gryszan. After some discussion those present voted to accept all nominees as Trustees. It was felt that this would allow for shared responsibilities .
Greg Scerbinski was elected Managing Trustee, Hedy Gryszan was elected Secretary and Dale Meehan , Treasurer. Since Dale was not present it was agreed that phone contact would be made with her to ascertain whether she would continue in that position. If she declines Len Burke would assume the position of Treasurer.
Special assessments for capital improvements may be fixed at any time of the year, such assessments to be established and collected as hereinafter provided.
After some discussion, which centered on whether the language change was needed , it was agreed to add the language to the trust document as it would provide clarity on the issue of special assessments. There was 1 no vote and 9 yes votes.
ITEM # 4AMEND ARTICLE VII, SECT 7 to include the following language;
Members may choose to receive email notification in lieu of written notification.
This item passes unanimously.
This item generated some concrete discussion on the needs of the association. All present agreed that the work outlined needs to be done as soon as possible before we face major repair costs.
Those present wanted to know the current balance in our checking account. As Dale Meehan was not present, it was agreed that the balance and expenses incurred since the last meeting in October 2008, would be ascertained by the Trustees to give us a starting balance.
Len Burke indicated that from his knowledge of the work needing to be done, the estimate for street repairs and drain cleaning was too high. He questioned at how the figure was arrived at. Since he is in Wellfleet frequently he agreed to contact Public Works to determine when they will be sweeping the streets this spring, survey all of the streets in the association and make a list of what drains need cleaning and where road repairs need to be made, and to seek several estimates from local contractors and report back to the board on his findings. Jonathon Strongin cautioned the board about looking only at the lowest bid vs. a higher bid that might get the work completed in a timely way and to our satisfaction.
Doug Cartona then asked about the quotes for the liability insurance and how the figures of $500,000 and $1,000,000 were arrived at. Hedy Gryszan indicated that the figure was provided by Kerry Insurance and was not necessarily the amount of coverage that the association may want or need to purchase. It was given as an estimate of what the cost might be. All present agreed that the association needs to purchase insurance to protect the homeowners and Board against possible law suits and that purchase of insurance should be our top priority.
It was recommended that the Board contact three insurance agencies in the area and get quotes for liability insurance at different coverage levels and also a recommendation on the appropriate coverage limits. Hedy Gryszan agreed to obtain the quotes and report back to the Board.
The need for a street sign generated the question as to whether our streets were town roads. They are not and previous discussion with public works provided information that to have our streets accepted by the town would require a lot of work on our part. It was felt that this may be something we would want to pursue in the future.
Ellen Seely indicated that since our roads are private that the Board in addition to the new street sign , consider placement of additional signs notifying people that parking by nonmembers, on the streets to use town ponds, is not permitted.
Once the association purchases the new street sign the Wellfleet Public Works Department has offered to mount and secure it free of charge.
Hedy Gryszan informed those present that prior to the meeting 18 homeowners had voted to pass items 3,4,5. Phone calls have been made to homeowners who have not yet registered online and for whom phone numbers were available, to encourage them to register and vote as we need to have 75% of the owners (35 votes) vote in favor of all three items.
Voting will continue until we can reach each homeowner either by email or by phone. One homeowner lives out of the country and an attempt will be made to also reach him.
- Explore homeowners insurance through a possible homeowners cooperative
- Community bulletin board/forum on our website for posting items of interest and as a way to foster homeowner activitie
- Develop a needs assessment to be sent to all homeowners. This will help the board prioritize future needs and develop an operating budget that will determine the home owner’s association 2010 dues
- Prepare a financial report
- Schedule fall annual meeting
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30
Submitted by: Hedy Gryszan