Present: Greg and Linda Scerbinski, Gary and Janis Lutterman, Branch Lane, Mark Worgaftik, Len and Pat Burke, John and Hedy Gryszan, Claire Breen
The minutes of the October 6, 2013 meeting were approved.
Treasurers Report:
In the absence of Jonathan Strongin, Greg presented the treasurer’s report.
The balance as of 4/05/2014 $6774.36
: Law suit attorney fees owed -3800.00
2014 dues received to date +852.00
Voluntary contribution + 29.00
Outstanding dues 2014 (1562.00)
Greg informed those attending that the Bifurcation was delayed until this spring because the North members ran into some internal issues surrounding their road maintenance agreements which they had to resolve before all of their paperwork could be completed. The legal paperwork completing the Bifurcation has been submitted and the process is complete. We are now an association of 34 property owners.
Greg is awaiting the final bill for the cost of the lawsuit and will submit it for payment once received. There will be an additional cost for completing the bifurcation paper work and filing fees. Greg will obtain those from Curt Felix and submit it for payment.
There was discussion about making it clear to Mr. Felix that our financial responsibility ended the day the paperwork was filed.
Estimated Major Expenses and Deferred Maintenance:
The association is currently looking at needing to fund this year the following expenses which have been postponed for at least the last three years, for a total cost of $11,500. The breakdown is as follows:
- $1500 Association and Trustee liability insurance
- $1700 Cleaning sand from 15 catch basins
- $1500 Asphalt repair using HMA and small sink hole repair
- $5000 Sweeping roads& all major crack repair using hot pour rubberized crack fill
- $1500 Necessary repairs to Ephraim Covell Rd
After a lengthy discussion on how best to fund these immediate expenses it became clear that the current fee structure cannot support the necessary work. The financial ramifications to the association down the road if the roads are not cared for properly now, will be monetarily far greater.
A motion was made and seconded that the association ask for its members to approve a $350.00 special assessment per property owner to fund the expenses. Those present unanimously approved the motion and indicated that the Board requests a vote of the membership as soon as possible with a two week response period. When passed, the assessment would be due within 30 days for its passage. The work would then begin immediately with anticipated completion before the summer season.
A question was raised about whether the two properties on Major Doane Rd, not belonging to the association, should be asked to contribute to the road maintenance since they have use of the roads. Greg indicated that the Farrell’s have indicated that they are willing to contribute. Greg will speak with the other home owners.
New Business:
There is currently new home construction on the last lot in Wellfleet Hills. Sand is washing into the road and there is concern that if it is not diverted it will fill the storm drain down the hill. Hedy Gryszan will ask the Ambrose Builders to provide some way to prevent the sand from washing down the road.
Greg will also contact the town to determine the 2014 road sweeping schedule.
The non association property at the corner of Zoheth Smith Way and Cahoon Hollow is having a house erected. The Board was asked to make sure there is no attempt at a curb cut onto the association road. Greg will follow up on this.
A question was raised as to whether the plans for the new construction on Zoheth Smith Way were submitted to the Association Trustees for review as required in the bylaws. Greg indicated that they had not been submitted. Members are reminded to check their bylaws regarding their need to submit plans for exterior modifications or additions to their property. A copy of the bylaws is available on the association web site: http://wellfleethills.org/
Next Meeting Date:
The next meeting of Association will be held Sunday, October 5, 2014, at the Wellfleet Senior Center on Old Kings Highway. At 10:00 AM.
Respectfully Submitted
Hedy Gryszan
Association Secretary