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10/2/2021 Meeting Minutes


OCTOBER 2, 2021

ATTENDANCE: Pat and Doug Burke,  Lucy Pope and Mark Worgaftik, Joan Roberts, Bob Stewart, Maureen Dwyer, Linda and Greg Scerbinski, Joe Zibrak, Hedy and John Gryszan.

MINUTES: Minutes of the 2019 annual meeting were approved.

TREASURERS REPORT:  The 2021 dues are current and there is currently $20623.31 in the treasury. The dues for 2022 have been set at $195.00 and will become due in January 2022. A dues notice will be sent out in January.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The current trustees have all indicated that they are willing to serve in 2022. There were no additional nominations. The current board members were reelected to serve in 2022. They are as follows: Greg Scerbinski, Managing Trustee, Gary Lutterman, Treasurer, Hedy Gryszan, Secretary, Carol Hanley and Joe Zibrak.


The issue of truck and heavy equipment parking at the entrance to Zoheth Smith Way is continuing to be a problem. The contractors who are currently working on the new construction are parking their vehicles and eroding the property. Greg spoke with the construction manager and asked that they discontinue parking there. The contractor indicated that he will remediate the damage caused by the workers and assured Greg that they will discontinue parking there.

Greg indicated that the catch basins were cleaned out this spring and homeowners are being asked to keep the basins in front of their homes clear of debris so that water can drain quickly.

The streets are showing areas of serious deterioration. The board will identify the most serious problems and Greg will seek estimates from Dirtworks for cost of repair.


Street parking and excessive noise resulting from the rental of the former Farrell house became a serious issue this summer. Tenants were parking in the circle and on both sides of Major Doane.  The association purchased and installed a sign prohibiting both. The rental agent was contacted regarding the noise and he indicated that he would take care of the problem.  A question was asked whether the current owners are renting the property for events as this summer there was a wedding there. As this is a residential zone, business activity could be a violation of the zoning laws. Greg and Joe Zibrak will follow up the town zoning office to seek clarification and report back.

Greg reported that he followed up on the issue of current existing easements that had been raised by Howard Erman. The only easement that the association has access to is the path to Dyer Pond. Homeowners are being asked to let their tenant know that this is the only access they should use to go to Dyer Pond. Tenants should not be taking short cuts through private property to access the path to the pond.

Speeding cars and visibility lines on Zoheth Smith Way were brought up. After some discussion it was suggested that a Yield sign be placed on the corner of Zoheth Smith Way in front of the Stewart house and that the brush on that corner be cleared to improve visibility. The sign will be purchased and erected in the spring.

The issue of off season property and house checks on vacant homes was raised. In the past one of the Farrell’s sons was paid to do checks after serious storms. The Association paid for this service. Currently there is no one doing this. Greg indicated that Gary Lutterman, who has moved to the Cape this week, had a one time indicated he would be willing to assume that responsibility.  Greg will talk to Gary about his continued willingness to do so.

It was noted that the current list of homeowners and their contact information, especially the phone numbers, is out of date and needs to be updated. Greg will send out the current list to all homeowners requesting that they update the information and return it as soon as possible.

The next meeting of the board has been scheduled for May 28, 2022 from 10-12. If possible it will be held at the Council of Aging.


Hedy Gryszan, Secretary