Wellfleet Hills Homeowners Association
2019 Annual Meeting
Luis Azcue, Greg and Linda Scerbinski, Pat and Doug Burke, Maureen Dwyer, Hedy Gryszan, Carol Hanley, Branch Lane, and Joe Zibrak
The minutes of the 2018 annual meeting were unanimously approved with a correction.
Ray Bouvier was originally noted in arrears on association dues when in fact he had paid.
Treasurers Report:
In the absence of Treasurer, Gary Lutterman, Greg Scerbinski gave the following report.
The current balance in the association account is $10787.30. Association fees collected
$4090.00, debits $2941.28.
Owners still in arrears: Koss, $145 and Wood $140.
Our expenses last year were cleaning of identified storm drains $2550, property taxes $61.31, winter property watch $300.00 and miscellaneous $29.97. One remaining expense is liability insurance.
Election of Officers
Due to the passing of Jonathan Strongin, there is currently a vacancy on the Board. The remaining trustees indicated that they were willing to serve again next year. Nominations from the floor were opened and Joe Zibrak indicated he would be willing to serve on the Board. The slate of proposed officers was unanimously elected for the 2019-2010 term.
Old Business:
The erosion on our right of way to Dyer Pond was taken care off last year and is preventing further washout.
The private secure Facebook site was set up by Doug Burke. Since the majority of homeowners live off Cape, there is a need to get critical information to members quickly when there are emergencies. Greg will remind all homeowners to update their contact information. Greg will also request that homeowners provide their local emergency contacts.
Greg reported that he had spoken with the town public works about our desire to place some boulders at the entrance to Zoheth Smith Way to prevent parking that is causing erosion. He was unable to get a clear answer for the town as to where we could safely place the boulders so the matter has been dropped. After some discussion it was decided that we would purchase No Parking signs similar to the one near the path to Dyer Pond and place it at the entrance.
New Business
Linda Scerbinski provided and update to the activities on the proposed extension of the bike trail. She encouraged everyone to contact their representatives and share their concerns regarding the safety concerns they have.
The dues for 2020 were set at$149.50 and are due in January 2020.
Doug Burke and Hedy will work on a brief list of rules be provided to tenants of do’s and don’ts as there have been issues with such things as the need to clean up after pets and tenants cutting across private property to go to the pond.
A recommendation was made that we check our streets to see if we need additional crack seal work done.
Hedy will place and order for the No Parking-Tow Zone sign to be placed at the entrance to Zoheth Smith Way. The sign will be mailed to Greg Scerbinski.
Next Meeting Date:
The next annual meeting of the Association will take place Saturday, May 24, 2020, at the Wellfleet Senior Center, Old Kings Highway, at 10:00 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Hedy Gryszan
Association Secretary