Wellfleet Hills Homeowners Association
2016 Annual Meeting
Greg and Linda Scerbinski, Carol Hanley, Branch Lane, Jeanine Meehan, Hedy Gryszan, Ellen Seely, Jonathan Strongin, and Joe Zibrak.
The minutes of the 2015 annual meeting were unanimously approved without change.
Treasurers Report:
Dues collected by May 20, 2016: $2722.20
Owners still in arrears: Erman, Koss, Lane, Pope /Worgaftik and Stewart. The amount due per owner is $108.80 for a total of $519.00.
All received liabilities have been paid.
Current balance in the account is $5535.43.
The Treasurer’s report was accepted and unanimously approved.
Jonathon will follow-up with those in arrears and request that they submit payment.
Branch Lane indicated that he would pay his assessment today.
Dues for 2017 were set at $100.00.
Old Business:
Final Bifurcation Report: Greg reported that the bifurcation has been completed and we are now totally separate. All legal financial responsibilities have been taken care of and the North received $1150 as their interest in the recreational lot.
Road Maintenance: Greg indicated that the storm drains will need to be cleaned out and he will arrange it. Hedy indicated that the roads were swept by the town last week.
Dirtworks has rebuilt the drainage basin at the intersection of Major Doane and Zoheth Smith Way and filled all of the low areas that Greg had marked.
.Hedy will follow-up to determine if Ambrose Construction repaired the crack seal damage on Zoheth Smith Way when they were working on the Young house. They had promised to take care of it. If the work was not completed, Hedy will follow up with them.
New Business:
Social Media Site: Jeanine Meehan suggested that the Association think about a Facebook presence. This would provide for ease of communication for members as well as sharing of resources and for ongoing dialog on important issues.
Jeanine volunteered to do the work, making sure it will be secured and restricted to association members only. After some discussion, it was agreed the she should proceed and provide feedback on progress to the Trustees.
Voluntary Restrictions: Joe Zibrak asked how the association can be assured that the Voluntary Restrictions, that are part of the Trust Agreement, are known and understood by all present owners. In the past some new owners were not even aware that they existed.
After much discussion it was agreed that a copy of the Voluntary restrictions would be e-mailed to all current owners of record. Owners will be asked to verify their receipt.
Road Maintenance: To maintain our road up to the town requirements for snow plowing, the association agreed to schedule a work day for the first week of October and asked that that homeowner present at that time come prepared to do brush clearing and limb removal where necessary. A separate e-mail will go out with more specific day and time. A reminder that it is the responsibility of all homeowners to maintain the area in front of their homes near the street as the town requires that the trees and brush be cut back to allow the town to street sweep and plow.
Next Meeting Date:
The next annual meeting of the Association will take place May 27, 2017, at the Wellfleet Senior Center, Old Kings Highway, at 10:00 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Hedy Gryszan
Association Secretary