Wellfleet Hills Homeowners Association Annual Meeting
October 6, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by Greg Scerbinski.
Present: Janice and Gary Lutterman, Carol Hanley, Claire Breen, Branch Lane, Pat and Lenny Burke, Greg and Linda Scerbinski, Jonathan Strongin and Ellen Seely, Hedy and John Gryszan . (Two members for the North of the association also joined us part way through the meeting but did not sign in.)
Greg opened the meeting thanking the 14 association members who participated, Saturday morning, in the brush and tree clean up. The crew worked from 9 to 12 and did an outstanding job. Pictures will be available on the website of the work crew.
The minutes of the October 6, 2012 and May 26, 2013 were approved unanimously.
Nomination of Officers:
Nominated were Greg Scerbinski, Hedy Gryszan, Jonathan Strongin Gary Lutterman and Carol Hanley. The nominees were unanimously elected. Officers for 2014 are Greg Scerbinski, Managing Trustee, Jonathan Strongin, Treasurer, Hedy Gryszan, and Secretary.
Annual Financial Report:
Greg presented the annual financial report. The report had previously been sent to all members detailing the associations finances form 12/29/2008 to the present. Prior to that time the association was inactive and not collecting dues. All outstanding dues have been collected. The current balance in the account is $6061.00. Outstanding bills are, $3700 attorney cost/bifurcation, and $1543 that will be paid to the north homeowners as their share of the recreation lot. The association will then be left with approximately $1300 minus a few small bills still outstanding.
Dues for 2014:
Dues for 2014 will be $71.00 for each property owner. Dues will become due January 1, 2014 and payable no later the January 31, 2014. Dues paid late will be subject to a $10.00 late fee.
Bifurcation Update:
We are awaiting the final documents from the north side attorney. There has been a delay because of personal family issues with their attorney. Greg indicated that he will be in touch with Curt Felix, with the goal of getting the matter finalized by the end of the year.
Once the final legal paperwork is received, Greg will share it with the work group, previously established, for review and final implementation.
A question was raised by Lenny Burke as to who has the final approval and whether all the association members need to vote on approving the final action.
Greg indicated that in the previous proxy that that was taken in June 2013, final approval was granted to the small work group and no additional vote was need.
Lenny asked that Greg send him a copy of the proxy language.
Future Maintenance Consideration/Southside:
Greg presented a list of items that needed to be addressed within the next year.
- Association and Trustee liability insurance - $1500
- Cleaning sand from 15 catch basins and disposal of the sand - $1700
- Asphalt repair using HMA and small sink hole repair $1500
- Sweeping and blow off of roads prior to crack repair and filling all major cracks using hot pour rubberized crack fill -$5000
- Necessary repairs to Ephraim Covell Rd -$1500
To accomplish the above the association is considering a onetime assessment of $350 per household. These are all items that need to be addressed by the spring to prevent further road deterioration and additional costs.
The association cannot move forward with this issue and a special assessment until the bifurcation is complete. Those present indicated that they would like to see a timely completion of the bifurcation.
The association trustees will prepare an updated and prioritized list of maintenance needs for a proxy vote as soon as the bifurcation legal work is completed. Once the approval is received the work would begin immediately with a goal of completion before the end of 2014.
Going forward the annual dues would be used to build up a cash reserve and to pay for the annual cost of liability insurance.
New Business:
Greg indicated that several requests have been make to set up a Resource Directory on the association website. Greg will set it up in such a way that homeowners will be able to directly post information on the site, as long as they are registered as members.
Next Meeting Date:
The next meeting of the association will take place Sunday, April 27, 2014 at the Wellfleet Senior Center, from 10 to 12.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.
Submitted by,
Hedy Gryszan