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10/12/12 Meeting Minutes

Wellfleet Hills Homeowners’ Meeting



·         The meeting was held in the Wellfleet Senior Center and called to order at 10am.

·         Greg Scerbinski, Hedy Gryszan and Len Burke were elected as trustees

·         2013 dues were set at $60.75 representing an increase of 15%.  A late fee of $10 will be charged to any member with an overdue balance on January 1.

·         The association had filed a small claims suit against David and Elizabeth Lord for nonpayment of dues.  A counterclaim was introduced which would order the assn. to perform its obligations to repair Rowell Road under the Declaration of Trust or enter a judgment awarding the plaintiffs-in-counterclaim a sum sufficient for them to undertake the necessary road repairs and all attorney fees and costs of this action.  Bids have already been solicited to perform the required work.  They were stated to range from the $1250 to $2200 with the note that they might rise to make them current.

A motion was made: “The Wellfleet Hills Homeowners Association will pay 100% of a cost between $1250 and not to exceed $2200. to repair Rowell Road.  Abutters will be asked to contribute to the expense.  If and when they contribute to the expense it will be added to the WHHA account.”  12 lot/owners in favor, 1 lot/owner opposed.  The motion passed.

·         A discussion was held regarding the bifurcation or split of two areas in the development: the northern area off Old Kings Highway and Long Pond Road and the southern area off Cahoon Hollow road.  It was pointed out that the lack of a connecting road has made it difficult for the two areas to grow into a cohesive community.  Furthermore the two communities were said to have different economic and road maintenance interests.  An informal poll (12 yes, 1 opposed) expressed an interest to investigate the idea further and research appropriate data which would inform future consideration.


The meeting was adjourned at noon.


Respectfully submitted,


Greg Scerbinski

Managing trustee



Additional Information



·         Len Burke resigned as trustee and treasurer at the conclusion of the meeting

·         Under the provisions of the Declaration of Trust, trustees Greg Scerbinski and Hedy Gryszan appointed Jonathan Strongin as trustee.  The trustees then elected Greg Scerbinski as managing trustee, Hedy Gryszan as secretary and Jonathan Strongin as treasurer

·         The official Wellfleet taxpayers database of lot owners is updated every October.  With this current and accurate information we will send out dues and overdue balance notices this fall.  Members will have at least 30 days notice to pay in a timely manner and avoid the $10 overdue balance charge on Jan 1st.

·         Financial Summary of WHHA

$641.44 Accounts Receivable

$0                           Liabilities

$5,780,83             Checking Account Balance  10/9/12

·         Rowell road has had a flat grade which has deteriorated from use over the years and now needs repair.  Elizabeth Lord has informed the trustees that she has a revised bid of $2500 which would upgrade the road from a flat grade by adding a crown to shed water.  If the abutters are able to contribute $300 to the assn. authorized maximum of $2200 the trustees will consider the bid which provides a crown.  If the abutters are unable to commit a $300 contribution the trustees will select a bid which will provide the necessary repair within the authorized budget.

·         I have been made aware of three immediate needs for maintenance:  cleaning of the storm catch basins, repair of Barnabas Young road to prevent driveway flooding from runoff, repair of Ephraim Covell Road to address runoff carrying sand onto the  paved road and clogging the catch basin.  If there are other needs let me know and we will address them as funds permit.

